Musings from ME » Migrating South

I heard some geese overhead the other day. It always surprises me when I hear them in August. Seems like it’s a bit early to be heading South already, maybe some of them go scout out the best route! We’ve been thinking of migrating South for a number of years now and we’ve reached the point where we think we may actually be a bit late in heading that direction. If you know us at all, you know that more and more our children are spending much of their lives in East Texas.
I wonder if geese get excited about migrating? It is, after all, traveling and we love traveling! The idea of moving has been bantered about around our dinner table for four or five years now, but it’s never become a reality. We always liked the idea, but we couldn’t quite figure it out. When we went to Texas this year we were seriously thinking of a move and when we returned it was only a matter of weeks before we had determined that we needed to start the ball rolling and see if we could make it happen.
The ball is in motion and the house went on the market this week. Don’t run out and buy your farewell party supplies just yet. I think we’ll be here through this school year. That’s just as well because 23 years of “stuff” doesn’t disappear in the blink of an eye. We had a massive rummage sale and it was a drop in the bucket! We’re clearing and hauling and well, pretty much exhausted! This is not an overnight project.
This move is part one towards making a dream that our family has had for a number of years become a reality. What we really want to do is one amazing adventure traveling around this country together. The move to East Texas puts us in a better position to make that dream come true.
When you hear the geese overhead this fall, imagine how excited they must be to be on their way to new adventures! Just like those geese we are excited about the new opportunities we have ahead of us. We’re looking forward to some great adventures with God!

4 Responses

  1. Oh wow! I was totally caught off guard by this one (well, not really completely). What a wonderful adventure you have in store for you!

  2. Yay for becoming Texas transplants! 😉 Maybe I’ll finally get to meet you in person Mrs. Kordik! 🙂

  3. Melissa, well said.

    Laurel, we absolutely must meet in person!

  4. Oh, we will miss you, but if I ever go visit my cousin & his family in East Texas, we can come visit you!