Musings from ME » Gazpacho?

When it comes to Gazpacho, I’m rather childish. You know how a child will look at the food set before him and immediately declare, “I don’t like this!” simply because, in their opinion, it looks funny. I haven’t a clue how to pronounce Gazpacho, I’ve never seen it, and I’m “sure” I don’t like it. How can you like something you can’t pronounce. Silly, I know.

I follow a cookbook author on twitter and he posted something about Gazpacho. It was probably a recipe, but I don’t know because I didn’t click on the link. “I don’t like it.” This got me thinking . . . how many good things do we miss because at first glance we don’t like something about it?

How many times have we avoided talking to a person because somehow they were different? Maybe their face was unique, maybe their mannerisms were awkward, maybe they dressed differently. Perhaps that person was meant by God to somehow be a blessing in our lives, but we missed the blessing because of an “I don’t like it” type of attitude.

What about places? Perhaps we had opportunities to go minister somewhere different. That may have been twenty minutes from home or half way around the world. Sadly, we looked at the plate offered us and said, “I don’t like it,” because it made us uncomfortable or we were afraid of the unknown. In so doing we missed yet another opportunity for blessings.

I’m still not sure I’ll try Gazpacho, but I hope when God brings people and places into my life that I will apply the two bite rule and give them an honest chance.

What about you?Where are your Gazpacho challenges? I’d love to hear about them.

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