Musings from ME » The Total Money Makeover by, Dave Ramsey

I worked my way through The Total Money Makeover and it’s workbook in the past couple of weeks. I wish I had read this book years ago. When I was married, many years ago, people didn’t talk about finances. I don’t know if my Dad had it figured out, but I have a hunch that he didn’t really. I remember when he paid bills, we stayed clear of the room. Whatever he did know, he never taught me. Sadly, we’ve made a lot of mistakes over the years. I have such respect for my young friends, like Chris and Steph, who are on the ball and making wise choices from the very beginning. They are going to live like nobody else and God will do amazing things through their family. We can’t go back, but we can make better choices for the future and that is what we are actively doing now.
The Total Money Makeover is not the best written book, in my opinion. I felt that he was repetitive in places that weren’t necessary and basically could have said what needed said more succinctly. The workbook was almost a complete repeat of the information in the book, which I found annoying. If you’re serious about taking action, you might want to just get the workbook. On the other hand, if you are just reading to learn then I would get the book.
What I am excited about is the the Financial Peace Personal Finance Software. (I would totally love it, if it were available for the Mac. The workaround we managed to do is less then ideal.) The software automates everything. All of Ramsey’s worksheets are available. You can print them out and work with them in pencil. What I love is that you can put the numbers into the computer and it automatically transfers them to every worksheet they apply to. The math is done for you. It’s super easy and when you are done you can print out the current copy with everything filled in! There is also a debt snowball calculator so you can quickly see how long it will take you to get completely out of debt based on what you can put towards your debt.
I have a number of young readers and I wish I could sit down and look you right in the eye and get this message to you: Learn about finances NOW. It matters. Take responsibility to educate yourself. There are a number of books and plans out there. Dave Ramsey is only one of them. He may not be the best, I don’t know. Maybe different people relate to different planners because of their personalities. Ramsey is what I have and we’re running with it. The important thing is for you to learn what options you have, make a legitimate plan and work your plan.
What is crystal clear to me is this: If you will be diligent for the next 10-15 years, choosing to live on less while you prepare for your future the future will be extraordinarily better then it will be if you live like everyone else. I know it’s hard to make those tough choices. Trust me on this. Now is the time to make the tough choices, because when your children are in their mid-teens and early twenties you will love the freedom you’ll have because you dedicated your twenties and thirties to future financial freedom.

Do you have a plan for your finances? Are you working your plan? You can share with me below.

4 Responses

  1. Aw, thanks for the shout out :-). We were really blessed to have parents who set us out on the right foot, even if they weren’t as big fans of Dave as we are. Your kids will be blessed too.
    When we were assigned to read the book during our premarital counseling, I just bought the workbook, because I am more of a hands-on person…. and the workbook as significantly cheaper than the book, lol. I think you’re right. It basically has all the same stuff, you can just drill into your head even more by seeing how the numbers work yourself.
    Have you ever listened to the radio show? The free podcasts are great.
    Also, I think Dave’s team is pretty good about listening to what people are tweeting about them – I recommend saying something about the need for a Mac program!

  2. Thanks Steph! I have not listened to his show or podcasts. I should look into those. I appreciate the tip about the tweet too. You guys really do inspire me! Keep it up!

  3. I went through his video series. It had so much good information!

  4. I don’t think you can overeducate yourself in the area of finances. I’m glad you had the opportunity to do the series.